Secure Singapore 2021
The world has seen a steep increase in cyber attacks in the last two years, and COVID-19 has not only increased the attack surface, but also, the fear instilled in masses has given attackers means to try endless, sophisticated phishing and social engineering techniques. Malware, especially Ransomware is an increasingly serious problem for organizations. Supply chain attacks have become the topic of every CISO board discussion. Rapid digitalization and adoption of new emerging technologies has also kept cybersecurity professionals up and working all through 2020 and 2021 on numerous challenges.
Secure Singapore 2021, the annual conference hosted by (ISC)2 Singapore Chapter brings to you ways for: "Rising Above and Staying Resilient Against Future Threats" on 6th November 2021 . We are very pleased to have with us experts from (ISC)2 , government, public and private sectors sharing their knowledge and experiences with our attendees.
Similar to year 2020, Secure Singapore 2021 is a virtual event with safety of the members in mind and in consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic safe-distancing measures and restrictions on the physical conference capacities. Though this restricts the face to face interaction and catch-up conversations with friends and peers in the (ISC)2 community, but there will be less physical constraint on the number of members who can join us at the annual major event for the local (ISC)2 community. We still look forward to a highly interactive event online, with a mix of keynote sessions & panel discussion segments. With the specially curated line up of topics, inline with the current and evolving threat landscape, and our top-notch speakers, we are sure the conference would be a vibrant and memorable one for everyone!
The virtual event will be held on a Saturday, so that our members are free from their work and can enjoy all sessions of the conference without having to rush for meetings or work assignments.
We are honoured to have Mr. David Koh, Chief Executive of Cyber Security Agency of Singapore grace the event as the Guest-of-Honour. We look forward to his address to the (ISC)2 Community. We are once again pleased to invite and have Ms. Clar Rosso, CEO, (ISC)2 from USA to give the welcome address for the annual (ISC)2 chapter event. We look forward to her insights as she addresses our (ISC)2 member community in Singapore.
We look forward to your support and enthusiasm as the local (ISC)2 member community is undoubtedly one of the most elite community of industry professionals. As you might have come across our earlier announcement, it's a great honor for the Singapore Chapter to have won the (ISC)² Chapter Recognition Awards as part of the (ISC)² Global Achievement Awards 2021 that would be presented at the (ISC)2 Security Congress 2021.
We hope to see you (virtually) at Secure Singapore 2021!
View the Secure Singapore 2021 programme and speaker profiles at

*Programme format, agenda and timings are correct as of last update. These are subjected to changes as and when necessary due to planning and unforeseen changes.
For security reasons, instructions for joining the virtual conference will be sent to registrants one (1) day prior to the event. Please check your email mailbox and watch out for the virtual event sign-in link and details. If in doubt, please email secure2021@isc2chapter.sg.
For (ISC)2 members, this is a (ISC)2 chapter professional development event thus up to 5.5 CPE hours will be available for your CPE submission. To facilitate submission of CPE points on your behalf by the local chapter - please identify yourself clearly by renaming yourself as <(ISC)2 membership ID number> + your full name when you sign in or after you've sign in. For example: '123456 Luke SkyWalker'.
Note: (ISC)2 members from Singapore are not members of (ISC)2 Singapore Chapter by default. Please ensure that you have signed up separately with the Singapore Chapter at www.isc2chapter.sg
Membership Rates:
Professional Member: $50/- year
Associate Member (Non-credential holders): $30/- year
Student Member: $10/- year
All prices are in Singapore dollars.
(ISC)2 Trainings
(ISC)2 partners with leading training providers around the world such as NUS-ISS to make sure you have convenient access to official training that fits your needs, location and schedule. Sign
up for their official (ISC)2 training and you'll receive 40 hours of expert instruction from (ISC)2 authorized instructors on the most relevant, up-to-date course content.
For more information please download the Training flyer below:
Training Flyer