Cyber Secure Singapore 2023
Set to take place at GovWare 2023, ISC2 Singapore Chapter once again is conducting its flagship annual conference Cyber Secure Singapore 2023 (CSS2023). Focusing on the theme "Combating Cyber Threats: Strategies and Approach", the conference programme complements GovWare’s position on delivering transformative insights that address the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.
This event is open to ISC2 Singapore Chapter members, Supporting Organization members and invited guests only.
We hope to see you at Cyber Secure Singapore 2023!
View the Cyber Secure Singapore 2023 programme and speaker profiles at
*** Registration for CSS2023 is CLOSED ***
You can still join us for our ISC2 SG Members Reception in the evening
**How to Register**
Step 1
Sign up and indicate interest to attend for the CSS2023 event through our ISC2 Singapore Chapter website or the given event link.*
Step 2
CSS2023 GovWare Conference Registration details will be advised separately for the early birds who registered on CSS2023 website.
For those who have been registered under other CSS2023 registration ticket types (e.g Guest Visitor Pass), please REGISTER with GovWare under VISITOR PASS in case you don’t have a GovWare pass yet.
Registration for a CSS2023 GovWare Conference Pass (complimentary) is valid for CSS2023 on 19th October 2023 and has been fully redeemed. Limited GovWare Conference access for 17-18 Oct 2023 is available on a first-come first-serve basis.
Step 3
CSS2023 is limited on a first-come-first-serve basis. ALL ATTENDEES MUST BE REGISTERED for the event on both ISC2 Singapore Chapter and GovWare registration websites to enter the venue and attend the conference.
- As seats are limited and paid for, participants who have registered but fail to turn up on the day of the event will be charged a penalty fee of SGD 200 to be invoiced accordingly.
- If you encounter any issue with your GovWare CSS2023 registration, please send the details to registration@govware.sg cc: css2023@isc2chapter.sg.
- Once your GovWare CSS2023 pass has been confirmed by GovWare organizers, please COLLECT your GovWare CSS2023 pass as soon as possible based on GovWare instructions when the conference opens on 17 – 19 Oct 2023 in order to avoid delays on the actual day. You still need to go to the CSS2023 registration counter on 19 Oct 2023 at the conference venue for attendance and verification purposes.
This is an ISC2 Singapore Chapter professional development event thus up to 7 CPE hours will be available for your CPE submission.
Note: ISC2 members from Singapore are not members of ISC2 Singapore Chapter by default. Please ensure that you have signed up separately with the ISC2 Singapore Chapter at www.isc2chapter.sg
Membership Rates:
Professional Member: $50/- year
Associate Member (Non-credential holders): $30/- year
Student Member: $10/- year
All prices are in Singapore dollars.