Empowering Women in Cybersecurity: Strengthening Cyber Resilience in a Rapidly Changing Digital World

  • 25 Mar 2025
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Seminar Room 3.09 ( Level 3), SMU Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL), 55 Armenian Street, Singapore 179943
  • 42


  • (You have not signed up as a member with the local Singapore Chapter)




As the digital landscape rapidly evolves, cybersecurity threats are becoming more complex and pervasive. In this dynamic environment, fostering cyber resilience is essential to safeguarding individuals, businesses, and communities - as well as national security. Women play a crucial role in shaping the future of cybersecurity, yet they remain underrepresented in the field. This panel discussion will explore the importance of diversity in cybersecurity, the unique challenges women face in the industry, and the opportunities for empowerment through education, leadership, alliances, and other areas.

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2025, we're honoured to have four esteemed women leaders in this session, who will share insights on how to build a more inclusive and resilient cyber ecosystem. Join us for an engaging conversation that aims to inspire, educate, and empower women to take the lead in securing our digital future.

*** Early Birds have a chance to grab Chapter Polo Shirts ***

(until stocks last)


6:30PM - 7.00PM - Registration, light dinner & networking

7:00PM - 7.10PM - Kick-off and Introduction by ISC2 SG Chapter President

7:10PM - 8:00PM - Panel Discussion

8:00PM - 8:15PM - Q&A & Wrap-Up


Seminar Room 3.09 (Level 3)

SMU Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL)

55 Armenian Street

Singapore 179943


Nearest MRT Stations

  • Bras Basah MRT , Exit B
  • City Hall MRT, Exit A
  • Bencoolen MRT Exit C (10-minute walk from Bencoolen Station to School of Law)


This is a chapter professional development event,  thus 1.5 CPE hours will be available for your CPE submission. To facilitate submission of CPE points on your behalf by the local chapter - please identify yourself clearly with <ISC2 membership number+ your full name when you sign up or during registration onsite.


1) As spaces are limited, if you cannot attend after registering, please cancel your registration or email info@isc2chapter.sg at least 2 business days before the event.

2) For ISC2 members residing in Singapore who are not yet members of our local Singapore Chapter, please sign up with us through our ISC2 Singapore Chapter website under "Membership-Join us"

 - https://www.isc2chapter.sg/join-us

Membership Rates:
Professional Member: $50/year
Associate Member (Non-credential holders): $30/year
Student Member: $10/year

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