Now any company can harness the power of enterprise-grade external threat intelligence. The vision is to make external cyber threat intelligence (TI) instantly accessible for organisations of any type or size by synthesising complex signals captured from across the clear, deep, and dark web into contextualised, prioritised, and actionable intelligence.
So we democratise threat intelligence by enabling organisations of any type or size to gain the full benefits of external TI, no matter the scope or sophistication of their program, of a complete external threat intelligence platform. TI need not be this big, scary monolithic thing that only big enterprises and governments can benefit from.
Despite all the heightened awareness and need, our world is still chronically short of cyber security professionals. Democratising TI highlights simplicity of use and automating takedowns and remediations, which help smaller companies to quickly adopt TI and reduce their cyber risk.
7.45PM - 8.00PM - Registration and sign-in to webinar
8.00PM - 8:05PM - Introduction by host from chapter EXCO
8:05PM - 8:40PM - Democratizing External Cyber Threat Intelligence by Mr. Alon Arvatz
8:40PM - 9:00PM - Q&A

Alon Arvatz is Chief Product Officer & Co-Founder of IntSights Cyber Intelligence. As CPO, Alon is the visionary leading IntSights’ product and service strategy, including product development, threat research and intelligence gathering operations. Alon is a veteran of an elite Cybersecurity Intelligence Unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) where he led and coordinated global cyber intelligence campaigns, gaining vast experience and knowledge working in one of the most innovative operational settings in the world.
For security reasons, instructions for joining the webinar will be sent to registrants one (1) day prior to the event. Please watch out for the webinar details. If in doubt, please email
This is a chapter professional development event thus 1 CPE hour will be available for your CPE submission. To facilitate submission of CPE points on your behalf by the local chapter - please identify yourself clearly by renaming yourself as <(ISC)2 membership number> + your full name when you sign in or after you've sign in. For example: '123456 Luke SkyWalker'.
Note: (ISC)2 members residing in Singapore who are not members of our local Chapter please signed up with us at
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Professional Member: $50/- year
Associate Member (Non-credential holders): $30/- year
Student Member: $10/- year